Who all is going and lets nominate a local to plan a meet up!
We’ll be there (me and wife Lori).
I think that Drew has been talking to Fred about a place at the conference itself where we could all get together. But it’s kinda third hand info at this point.
I’ll be there with my girlfriend and a couple buddies. We’re driving out on Weds morning (though she will be joining later as she is a teacher and could not get weds off). Thankfully it’s only about a 2 hour drive for us
I think that’s a special place for authors, Denny.
I’ll be there, flying solo this year. Would be great to put some faces to the avatars.
I’m going to my 1st NHC and I would very much like to have a beer with all of the forum mates.
I’m not getting there until Thursday - it’s my first conference and I look forward to meeting forum contributors and hearing some great talks, then having some great beers. I just don’t know what to expect in terms of time frames. It sounds like I will be busy at the NHC! My wife is tagging along as a good sport…so I hope she can stay interested.
Thanks for the reminder, I need to follow up.
Thanks Fred.
I also say we should make it as a “Everyone online come and meet up with your groups type of situation”
Myles and I will be there starting on Wednesday. I’m sure he will love to see the real source of all of the times I’ve said, “So I was reading on the AHA Forum…” Haha
I’ll be there starting that Tuesday; hopefully that doesn’t scare anyone away. 8)
I’m getting in on Tuesday. Got plans for Wed (Bacon and Beer Brunch & Rare Beer and Food at Vivant), then BNA9 on Thursday night.
Yep, good idea. There are people from every forum I participate in going to NHC. It would be great to have a big room for a set time and invite all forums to show up.
That will have to be a big room!
I will be there. Going solo and this is my first NHC. I will be in town on Wednesday. I am for sure looking forward to meeting the people of the forum. Cheers!
Last year we went to Nodding Head in Philly which was real fun. Looking forward to another similar occasion with all of our fine folks here. Lets do this!

That will have to be a
big room!
Correction: That will have to be a whole hotel!

Last year we went to Nodding Head in Philly which was real fun. Looking forward to another similar occasion with all of our fine folks here. Lets do this!
I missed that last year. But when the seminars let out that day, it was crazy-crowded so I just gave up.
I would just as soon see the meetup be on premises, in the hotel.