30 minute boil pilsner

I’m about half way through a batch of pilsner that I only boiled for 30 minutes that came out great: no dms.

I have posted about scaling (aka square-cube).
DMS is a pro issue for the most part.

I agree.  I believe it has to do with relative surface area of the boiling wort, and relative ventilation.  Boil vigor also plays a role.  If memory serves, Martin Brungard or somebody also did some sort of detailed study recently on this, believe I read it on (gasp!) HBT.

Some info on 30 min vs 90 min, using Pilsner malt.
As is the case 95% of the time, the tasting panel could not tell any difference in the two beers.

Our boiling time is 90 minutes. Depending on the beer, sometimes we boil for 120 minutes.

i can believe this for sure, especially with a vigorous boil entirely through. what company’s pilsner malt?

some types of north american 2row though…

You get DMS from North American pale malt?

Please take that as a data point and confirm it with your own testing.

I’ve boiled lots of lagers with pilsner malt for 30 minutes with no DMS. Martin Brungard talks about boiling wort in the the ZYMURGY: MAY/JUNE 2019 issue the article is called: Advances in Wort Boiling. It’s a good read and you can get it in the Zymurgy archives.

i can’t remember when i last had DMS if ever, but it has always been on my mind. 1. i do not detect DMS very strongly personally 2. i tend to have always tried to make sure i don’t get it using strong and long enough boils.

but i did a big beer with 12lbs of OiO 2row (plus other malts) recently and it just reeked of corn before i even added the mash water and especially so after i had. its fermenting now… so we’ll see how it goes. strong 60 min boil

I can’t detect DMS from tasting but I can detect it from the slickness I feel in my mouth.

Do you maybe mean diacetyl?

You are confusing DMS with diacetyl.  Common whoopsie.

Dan Carey of New Glarus uses all Briess, and on the tour (yeah my club took the fancy special tour), they discussed how they had to make special equipment changes to eliminate DMS.

…Meanwhile, I think Spotted Cow has some DMS, but it might be on purpose for THIS particular beer.  I don’t get any DMS from their lagers, etc.

Between No Sparge, 30 min boil, and 60°F ferment temp with 34/70, a Pils doesn’t seem nearly as out of reach as so many make it seem.

Sorry my mistake on my part DMS is the corney flavor.

We have gotten cooked corn, and movie-theater-buttered popcorn on one or two of our brews.
It would not be a boil issue, as we never boil less than 60 minutes. Most often 90 minutes.

Diacetyl is a fermentation issue, but a boil one.

Neither of those is necessarily connected to boil time.

Low or no DMS is possible in a Pilsner and if a 3L or 4L pale malt was used instead of a 2L Pils malt, it’s even more possible.  It’s the palest of malts that present the greatest possibility of having the DMS precursor (SMM) and DMS.  If your brewing practices have a really short time before the wort is chilled to under 185F, that also decreases the possibility of having DMS.

For most regular brewers using a high percentage of Pils malt, boiling longer than a half hour is probably wise.