52 quart mash tun: max grain bill size

I’m planning on brewing my 2nd AG soon, 5.5 gallons post boil of a big 1.099 OG oatmeal stout with a grain bill of about 19.5 pounds.  I’m calc’ing a little of 6 gallons of strike water are required.  I’ve read that my Coleman extreme 52 quart (yes, it’s blue) can handle 10 gallon batches, but for much smaller beers, say 1.050.  Has anyone here tried to fit 20 lbs + 6 gallons into this cooler?

Check this…


Thanks Denny, looks like I have some room to spare.

You should be fine.  I just did a 1.102 Wee Heavy with almost 21 pounds of grain in my 52-qt Xtreme and there was still plenty of room.  Oh, also a 5.5 gallon batch, by the way.

I found this last week and used it before a brew last weekend. It was spot on!


Great calculator there.