A First for Me

I forgot to crush and add the crystal for my Steam Beer.  I was wondering why the mash seemed so pale until I went to weigh my first hop addition and saw the bucket of grain sitting there waiting to be crushed.  After a quick panic and wondering what other beer I could make I remembered I had a large mesh bag.  So I stopped the boil at 182 and let it come down to 155 where I steeped the grains.  It was at 137 after 35 minutes so I figure I got a decent amount of conversion.

Who knows?  It could be my best mistake yet!  ::slight_smile:

Thoughts on where this may end up?


Fast thinking, man!

Thanks!  The funny rest of the story is that the BIAB bag was given to me by my LHBS a couple of years ago.  Someone had taken it out of the package so he just tossed it in along with my order.  I almost threw it away several times thinking, “I’m never going to use this thing”.  Now I’m glad I’m a beer equipment hoarder!  ;D


I have actually added steeped and boiled wort after the fact to get two different beers out of a ten gallon batch, so you may not have had to have gone through that exercise to get the end you desired,  Your hop utilization would be a little different, but I think your results would have been as good.  See ya next week!

Yea Red.  Looking forward to it!


So the trials were far from over on this one.  The extra 1.5# of crystal soaked up about 1/4G and I had about a 1G boil-over as I was trying to do chores at the same time!  I ended up with 3.9G at 1.052.  Decision time.  Make it a session Steam Beer at 4% or keg it at 4G or somewhere in the middle.

Then it hit me again.  DME!  18oz in 1.25G of water got me a little over 5G at 1.049.  Problem solved. 8)

I feel worthy to attend the NHC next week…


Sounds like you were brewin’ with the NHC on your mind!  Good recovery - I have tweaked an all grain that way with no problems when a mash got away from me while distracted and/or sparge volume snuck up there and I didn’t want to boil it down.  Not often, but a couple times when I first started using a lid partly on when boiling in cold weather, for example.

Should turn out ok.