I wonder how the beer is going to change, and I certainly don’t like the idea of more craft breweries being bought up by the big guys. However, I hope the beer stays good and I hope it works out the best for them.
Boy, I hate to see that. It’s been a stop for us the last few times we been in Bend and always enjoyed it. Haven’t been to the other ones in Boise and Portland.
good for them. I bet they made out like bandits. If the price was right I’d sell Yellowhammer in a half heart beat. And have a bitchin’ homebrew rig to boot.
The American dream: Make it great enough that it gets big enough that the big boys want to buy it. Right there with you Keith. It’s not as good for the consumer, but everyone needs an exit strategy, and know how/when to use it
Personally, I haven’t noticed any decline in the quality of beers coming from Goose Island since AB InBev took over. The only thing I’ve noticed is a wider availability of their products.
I think their beers are slightly more pedestrian, but still good. What I definitely notice is that AB uses GI to take over local brewery taps. Obviously this is the plan. So drink local, folks!
Every once in a while I find myself obligated to go someplace that used to carry both kinds of beer, bud and bud light. These places now tend to have GI, which is a welcome change.
For us here in Texas we did not get GI before the buyout. Now we get everything. Well, we haven’t seen some of the BCBS variants yet but I am sure they are coming this year. So the buyout has worked out ok for us. Apparently the more expensive beers aren’t selling like AB thought because I’ve seen the 750ml beers disappearing from all the grocery stores where they used to be. I swiped several bottles on clearance for $5 last week so I can’t complain.
10 Barrel makes sense as a target for AB. They have a brewpub model that can be expanded plus a production facility and they already distribute around the PNW. Excellent choice for a regional craft player.
They are still local to me They have a pretty good APA called Green Line that is draft only and only in Chicago. That often shows up on tap with nothing but other macros, so it’s a nice option.
BCBS has never been that interesting to me, but I love a Mathilda now and then.