Adding half of extract as flameout?

I’m a new AHA member, with 5 extract batches with steeped grains under my belt.  I tried searching for this question, but didn’t find it.  I apologize if I missed it.

I was perusing the Beginner and Intermediate Brewing instructions and tips and noticed that it indicates adding half the extract early in the boil and the other half at flameout.  The Midwest Supplies kits I’ve been brewing so far have specified adding all the malt early.  Why hold back part of the extract until flameout?

Thanks and I’m looking forward to being part of the community and learning!

If you are doing a partial boil, like boiling 3 gal and topping up to 5 gal with cold water in the fermenter, the lower wort density in the boil will improve your extraction of bitterness and flavor from the hops.  If you boil the full volume, no problem adding all the extract up front.

It also keeps the wort lighter colored.  But be aware that if you don’t boil all the extract, you may get more bitterness than the recipe was designed for.

Ah, that makes sense.  It might explain why my batches have been coming out a bit darker than expected.

Thank you!