adding liquid malt extract late in the boil

I’ve been brewing for about a year and a half only and i’m brewing a Moose Drewl clone today. deep in the instructions it call for “Reserve liquid malt extract for final 15 minutes of the boil.”
I’ve never held off LME past initial boil. Does that sound right to anyone else?

It is said that adding extract late helps hop utilization when doing partial boils. If you do full boils, adding it late would help to keep the err for darkening too much.

Adding LME late in a partial boil also reduces the Maillard reaction. This reaction can result in a less fermentable wort and can also produce flavor changes which may or may not be desirable in the finished product due to the way the sugars react to the boil

thanks for the info. I’ll give it a shot. always love learning new things.

Agreed with the above posts. If you add late though, be sure to turn off the heat, stir the extract in thoroughly and then turn the heat back on, to avoid any scorching.

+1  You could also remove enough wort to dissolve your extract and then add that back in.