Advice on converting sanke to HLT

Hi All,
I want to convert a legally obtained sanke keg into a HLT and need advice on how to drill the holes for weldless fittings: valve, thermometer and sight guage.  What is best to drill the holes, a step bit or a regular drill bit, using a small bit to start, then the correct size to finish?  Where’s the best place to get a step bit for stainless, cheap?  What are your experiences with weldless fittings?  Are they dependable?

My first two kegs I did with a step bit. They were more of a Pain than what I though, because I didn’t clear the shavings away properly and “fused” them on the side of the hole I was drilling. My third keg I used a single size bit and just slightly opened it with a step bit.

I bought the steps from harbor freight for $16 for a set of two. I predrilled with a 1/2" bit first and then went to the step. After the first keg I ground down any slag that formed around where I was drilling and they drill fine.
My last keg I used a 11/16 bit after the 1/2  and the step to open it to 7/8. Was done in 2 minutes with no problems. I got the bit from morebeer on clearance and had a machinest I knew turn it down from 1/2 shaft to 3/8.

If you can get a single bit to drill with, it’s much easier and cleaner of a job than usin a step.

+1 Harbor Freight; next to my LHBS, it’s my favorite place to wander through (guys don’t “shop”).

This guy has everything you need at a fantastic price. he also has videos and what not on youtube on how to do everything which should be linked from his site. You can also buy step bits from him. Ive had nothing but success buying from Bobby, Fast shipping also!

When drilling, go slow and use lots of cutting oil.

With either a hole saw or step drill, I highly recommend using a center punch. It makes a small starter divot in the metal so that the bit stays put when you first start drilling.