I have a keg of a stout in my refrigerator that has been fully carbonated. It tastes good but I think if I aged it for a month or two it will be much better. My question is: Can I just pull the keg form the frig and let it sit at room temp and still under pressure without ruining it. I could just leave it alone but I have another batch to keg and could use the frig space for it while the stout ages.
Yes you can leave the keg at room temp for a month or two.
You might need to hit it with some CO2 from time to time to keep the keg sealed.
The down side, I see, is that the beer will be a lot less fresh after 2 months at room temp.
I would definitely age it in the keg, but I would also try to keep it cold. Whether that means doing your best to leave it in the fridge to age or in a cooler/colder part of your house or garage. Colder is better for aging.
What is the coldest temp at which one can age beer?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
I typically have my aging chest freezer set to 35F. You can easily set it lower than that to age as well.
I lager at 29°-30°F. The direct answer to your question is, though it varies slightly with alcohol content and residual extract, the freezing point beer is about 25°- 26°F.
I would keep the kegs in a cool environment. I don’t have much experience in lower temperatures near freezing but a friend of mine has let kegs sit for nearly a year in a keg. Depending on the type of stout you might get an improvement over what you have atm. A Russian imperial should be fine if you are talking about doing what you’re doing.
I think if your stout is lower in alcohol though I.e. more flavorful and not as boozzie as a ris you would want the beet fresher.
Be careful about oxygen.