AHA Category 10 American Ales Competition

A total of 73 entries were received:  42 American Pale Ales, 18 American Amber Ales, 13 American Brown Ales.

The winners were:

First Place
Mel Thompson
American Brown Ale
Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP)

Second Place

David Barber
American Pale Ale
Lehigh Valley Homebrewers

Third Place

Todd Donnelly
American Brown Ale
Society of Northeast Ohio Brewers (SNOBS)

We had 13 judges total, 9 of which were BJCP, the others very experienced.

Scoresheets will be mailed out within the next week.  Thank you for entering.

Bill Lynch
VP Competitions
Carolina BrewMasters
Charlotte, NC

I know I had a blast judging it ;D