AHA Forum

So I’ll start by saying that this forum continues to be a diamond in the rough as far as guidance, opinions, and advice go. Compared to other forums I’ve visited the difference is night and day regarding snarky people and people who don’t know what they talking about.

Anywho…my question is has this forum always been a real small group, or is it just really well moderated? I noticed on the home brewing sub-reddit there are over 100K members! I almost told someone about this forum the other day then I didn’t out of fear that the hoard will follow  :o

Ramblings are over…

Its the people. The active posters are real and its not difficult to figure out who they are. Some are published authorities on the subject. Many attend brewing functions like NHC or judging regionally, etc making it kind of foolish to be a douche when you might likely meet face to face. On the other hand if you do mess up you can just say sorry and get over it without ongoing ridicule. Another thing is maturity. Most of the active posters dont behave like 8th graders. I strive to behave at least like a 9th grader.

All of what Jim said, plus a really great group of moderators who know how to explain the rules to people in a manner that makes everyone feel like friends, and a membership who appreciates a friendly environment free of drama.

Inn the “old days” of the AHA, there was no forum.  When I was elected to the Governing Committee 9 years ago, I started agitating to get one set up.  So they said, “go ahead”!  I had a pretty clear idea of the kind of place I wanted to hang out and I’m glad to find that there are so many others who feel the same way.

Please, invite whoever you want.  Hopefully, they’ll be attracted the the helpful, friendly, informative atmosphere here and contribute right along with everyone else.

Bingo! It helps having moderators (supervisors) who have some people skills and a good grasp that its just beer, not marine corps bootcamp.

I think another thing that helps about the moderation - the forum is the AHA’s - the moderators are volunteers. They don’t own the forum and therefore avoid the dreaded “You’ve violated this thing that is mine - I shall now smack you silly with the ban hammer because I am offended”

etc, etc.

When the AHA first launched we did have some problems with some folks from other boards who came over and stirred the pot. Thankfully most people here now are just here to learn and share knowledge, not troll an Internet forum. It’s a pretty easy place to moderate now, and I hope it stays that way because it took up a lot of personal time when the troublemakers were here.

I agree. The overall vibe of the forum is positive. The moderators do a great job. It actually is about camaraderie and sharing of great info, with a lot less ‘ahole-ishness’ and hyper competitive bickering (like I’ve witnessed on other forums). Truth be told, there are some basic things you have to do right but many facets of brewing can be done in different ways. It’s great to see brewers talk about different approaches that I might never have thought of.

Huh, I was thinking…you mean this place takes moderation? 
All I could remember was the Majorvices locking or moving a few threads…

I think I even missed your annual rant on trashy hunters.  ;D
Thanks AHA.  8)

Cool…so we can talk smack about MIT then?

The moderators do an awesome job.  In the 5 years I’ve been on the forum, I can remember only 1 time someone got banned.  Unlike some other forums (that I no longer frequent) that would lock a thread because someone’s wife got offended by a beer label.  I won’t say who, but they were not advocating for beer very well :wink:

And when you do a search for a “fermentation” topic you can look in “yeast and fermentation”  and find it instead of “all-grain”. You’re welcome. :wink:

For the record a thread rarely gets locked without all the moderators consensus.

Oh Lord, don’t get me started.

It was interesting when another board decided to remove the “Brewhaha” section and a bunch of very unhappy people showed up here.  Most of them left after not too long because this board is too civil.  8^)

Personally I came over here and stayed because it was tiring to have every other thread a rant about why did Brewhaha get killed.  For the record, it needed to die.

Great folks, great info and we still get a good joke or Pub conversation going now and then.


The AHA Forum definitely benefits from a having a mature membership.  It also benefits from having leading posters who embody the concept of setting an example worthy of emulation.

Exactly.  I think being a moderator on this forum would be an easy job.  Even when things get argumentative it rarely gets personal.  Or maybe the moderators do such a good job I don’t notice the bad stuff.  Regardless,  the AHA forum has been one of the best resources for helping me brew great beer.  Thanks to everyone here.

its great to have spirited debate her without the BS. and more often than not, the people here are willing to impart knowledge without the old"its my way or the highway" mentality.