AHA Member Deals & Brewery Finder

Is anyone supporting this feature/website anymore? And if so, how would i go about reporting issues/bugs?

This used to be a great selling point for the membership (when there was an app). Now that they moved it to a website, it’s almost unusable (been this way since the app went away). [I’ve been a member of AHA for close to 20 years.]

  1. Ton’s of “loading” screens trying to determine location (when I’m not blocking my location…all other apps are fine)…and using multiple mobile browsers.

  2. Depending on how you search for a brewery, the discount will NOT show up…which is very confusing.

Just trying to understand who might still be supporting this and how i can assist in trying to make it better/usable. Most members of my homebrew club stopped using it for similar reasons. Since they got rid of the good/working app, the website to find discounts “is useless”.

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Hey, where are you looking so I can start poking people?

Thanks Drew. I’m referring to the “AHA Member Deals & Brewery Finder” AHA Member Deals & Brewery Finder - American Homebrewers Association page that’s on the home page of the AHA site.

I’d be glad to help work with whoever on some of the issues/bugs with it.

I find that page almost useless these days. I emailed them back in August with details of the issues I’ve continued to have, but got no response.

Selecting “Location” gives me my whole state, with no rhyme or reason to the order of brewers (that I can figure out). “Near Me” doesn’t work. I generally have location turned off on my phone and computer, so no surprise there. “Search name, city or zip” only gives exact matches on city or zip, rather than breweries close to those locations. That is not helpful when in an unfamiliar area. I would like to enter a city or zip and get breweries in distance order from that location, especially when planning a trip when “Near Me” would be worthless.
My local brewery is on the “Deals” list, but it does list what the deal is (it used to).

When I first signed up I thought it might be cool to see what was out there. I found that there was really nothing in my area. I might check again, but I let my membership run out, or it is going to run out, as I never used any of the “perks” to justify the price. The magazine only showed up every other month or so and the content, while somewhat entertaining, never really caught my attention.

I’ve been a member I think for 25+ years, been homebrewing for 34. I definitely preferred the Brew Guru app, but understand that costs prohibited its continuation. I have all the same issues as those mentioned above. It seems to work okay on a laptop at home, but what good is that when traveling. I would really love to see this membership feature improved.

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100% @burr_head. I have another AHA app on my phone that is just member deals. Im too old to remember when/where I discovered and installed it. Its handy, but links directly to the same clunky search on the website. I have found several deals but be prepared to scroll, load more, scroll, load more…