I just filled out the AHA member survey and wonder if the general membership will have a chance to see the results, or is it just the governing board that will have access? If we can see it, is there any time frame for compiling the survey data?
Thanks for filling out the survey! Yes, we’ll post the results to the Forum. You can find the results from the 2010 member surveys in the AHA Messages board: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?board=19.0.
Cool! Just filled mine out and am looking forward to the results.
What did I win?
what survey?
The wife and I got e-mails. We both filled it out, as we are both members.
This tread started before I got my e-mail. They might be batching alphabetically.
ah will have to look. i almost never check the email outside of work.
Here’s a direct link to the survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/AHAMemberSurvey.
You will need your member number to complete the survey. We’ve already seen a great response, but of course want to hear from as many members as we can get.
Is this sponsored by the NSF or any other soul stealing government agency? Oh wait, that’s not my government. OK, I’ll do it.