I’m thinking there’s mold spores–the mold, I killed, and is constricted to the basement (which I dehumidified to 45%). In the apartment, I know there’s mold; a year ago I started itching like hell, and later found out that mold was leaving my apartment and entering the one below. The new house has a problem where water pools at the rear foundation, and some mold started to grow; I killed it with Moldex and dehumidified and am working on fixing the grade of the rear yard and the downspout, but obviously mold spores when it dries.
Anyway, after I enter the basement, I start to itch. Rashes appear all over my body. A good shower and fresh clothes allieviates 90% of the reaction; a single small anti-histamine dose blocks 100% of the reaction for 4-6 days.
So I read this EPA report and have a few thoughts:
Electrostatic purifiers seem interesting, but in practice no good ones exist and even middle-quality ones are expensive. The basement is 680 square feet and so I’d need a very high end HEPA filter or electrostatic purifier to clear it out. I’m probably better off buying a higher-end canister vacuum cleaner with a sealed HEPA and vacuuming out all the joists. I actually have a lower end one.
I’m going to put a filter in my furnace (haven’t figured out the correct size yet, only been in the house a week). The EPA says MERV 7-13 is roughly equivalent to HEPA in residential use, so I’ll aim for MERV 10-13. MERV 12-13 is readily available for a wide range of filter sizes.
This thing looks interesting, dunno if I want/need it though. Ironically, it’s cheaper to buy a $30 filter for this every 10-12 months than to replace a $20 filter in the furnace every 60 days, but that’s about a 4-5 year ROI, aside from the dedicated unit purportedly being much more effective. The EPA reports that the MERV 13 filters I want to use are top-tier for my use case because there’s simply no nuclear material micro-particulate or silicon dust to filter, which is what HEPA filters are for, so really the “upgrade” may be excessive.
How in the heck do I get rid of this crap? All these filters and fancy doogadgets can’t possibly help. The primary issue, I think, is going to be getting the water away from the foundation of my house.