Alabama passes gourmet bottle bill

Whoot! What a boon for craft beer, especially for local brewers. Looking forward to having Belgian bombers available in my area and making my beer available in 750 s! ;D

They had a ban on 750’s?

Nothing over 16 oz. stupid, eh? You could buy wine in double wide or a gallon of ever clear but beer noore than 16 oz, and there was a special tax on anything over twelve oz.

I have never understood why our elected officials have to be involved in bottle sizes. I can remember when 8oz. stubbies had to be approved by state government. How ridiculous is that?

Congrats to Alabama Brewers!

That includes you Keith. :slight_smile:

Hard to believe that I now live in a place where many of the beer laws are more relaxed than where I came from ¶. PA has some seriously backward beer laws that need changed.

Um…you could remove “beer” from that sentence -just sayin’…

Now if they will just legalize home brewing.

Today’s the day or it’s dead for another year.

I’ll take a stab at why it might not be so ridiculous.  40s of malt liquor.

I should have the right to buy as much beer or other alcohol as I want without the government looking over my shoulder.

Belgian Bomber:


I feel the same way about the right to produce all alcoholic beverages on a hobby scale.

Okay, 1 large bottle, 8 stubbies, 4 regular size bottles, 3 pints. What difference does it make? It’s still 40+ ounces of beer to be consumed.


*** Self edited: Political sounding comment removed ***

I’ll just say, I agree.


Yes.  The container should make no difference, particularly when, as Major pointed out, you can buy larger containers of stronger stuff.

I never even would have thought that someone couldn’t get a 750ml of Belgian beer…

We had a similarly stupid law in Florida up until 2001.  Beer could only be sold in 8, 12, 16, or 32 ounce containers (after that it was OK).  So we had almost no European beers and no 22 ounce bombers.
As I understand it the law was originally enacted in the late 50’s to punish Miller for not putting their new brewery in Jacksonville, building it in Georgia instead.  They had 7 (or was it 7.5?) ounce bottles.

i remember drinking st. pauli girl bottles when i lived their in the early 80’s.  of coarse usually just got a quart of schlitz bull back then…

Nice that they fixed that…but didn’t that create your ridiculous no-64oz-growlers law at the same time?
last I checked anything between 32 and 128 ounces was still illegal?


Unfortunately, they let the homebrew bill die last night.  Another year before they can try again to legalize homebrew in AL.