A group of us are forming a club in the capital region of New York. First club meeting will be in May, details to follow soon (I’ll update this thread).
Anyone have good (creative) name suggestions? So far the top suggestion is “Sons of Zymurgy.”
A group of us are forming a club in the capital region of New York. First club meeting will be in May, details to follow soon (I’ll update this thread).
Anyone have good (creative) name suggestions? So far the top suggestion is “Sons of Zymurgy.”
ZANY - Zymurgists of Albany New York
Brew Lovers of the Albany Region, New York. BLARNY.
Albany Homebrewers, Capital Region Ale People
Albany New York Breeders Of Dynastic Yeast and Homebrewers Of Many Elixirs
Albany Saccharomyces Specialists
Empire States Capital Alchemist Producing Entity
Albany Region Diacetyl Vanquishers and Aggressive Razers of Kegs
Albany Zymurgists, Zealous Hop Obsessers, and Lovers of Everything Stainless
Brewers And Drinkers, Albany Zealous Zymurgists
Albany Brewing Club, Defenders of Everything Fine, Good, and Homebrewed, Imbibers of Jumbo Kegs, Lovers of Many Nuanced Olfactory Pleasures, Qualified Raters of Substandard Tinctures, Universally Valued Wizards of Xenofermentations, Yeast, and Zymurgy
you all rock.
My favorites so far
Particularly when described as ESCAPE from New York
you have to find another A somewhere tom
I tried for a bit but nothing came up. How about;
Albany Area Raging Diacetyl Vanquishers and Aggressive Razers of Kegs
You guys are awesome! I knew I came to the right place. I’ll be presenting a bunch of these ideas to other club members for a vote mid-April and let you guys know what we decide to go with.
The favorite one I came up with was CARBOY: Consortium in the Albany Region for Brewing Obsessed Yetis
The favorite one I came up with was CARBOY: Consortium in the Albany Region for Brewing Obsessed Yetis
Some folks in North Carolina might take issue…
The founding members decided to go with “Albany Brew Crafters” or ABC for short. I do like the “alphabet ramble” that schmidlin posted above, and may tweak it for some advertisements or t-shirts!
Thanks all for the input. I’ll be registering the club with AHA today!
Congratulations on kicking things off