I recently had to transfer with my job. I had to move from a pretty good sized house to a small two bedroom apartment. I started to brew all grain beers in the house. Now I have little room for space for my all grain equipment. I am going to continue to brew as I have some partial mash and all extract recipes. But my baby is an all grain recipe. I was wondering if there was a grain to extract conversion formula that would help me from having to start all over in developing the recipe.
You will want to use LME or DME in place of the base malt you used in your recipe. IIRC the conversion from grain to LME is 0.75 and the conversion to DME is 0.6. So if you used 8 lbs of base malt you would need 6lbs. of LME or 4.8lbs. of DME.
Happy Brewing,
To get a precise conversion you’ll need your efficiency from the AG recipe, but once you have that it’s a piece of cake.
You can also set up a single vessel… basically a boil barrel with a big sieve in it… saw it somewhere the other day, can’t remember where…