Hi there! First post here to present you a recipe and have your comments before brewing it…
I want it to be a very malty/bready/biscuity backbone with a quite present fruity hops flavor, but not too bitter.
After building the recipe I saw the “Red Velvet” one (here: Site Not Found) that is too big for what I want, but lets me think my recipe could work.
Oops, sorry for the metric values and EBC, it’s because i’m frenchie…
Batch Size :
20,00 l
Ingredients :
Amount Name Type N° % Total
1,70 kg Malt Pâle, Maris Otter (5,9 EBC) Grain 1 29,6 %
1,70 kg Malt Vienna (6,0 EBC) Grain 2 29,6 %
1,00 kg Pilsner (2 Rows) (4,0 EBC) Grain 3 17,4 %
0,40 kg Rye Malt (7,0 EBC) Grain 4 7,0 %
0,25 kg Carared (50,0 EBC) Grain 5 4,3 %
0,25 kg Crystal - 60L (118,2 EBC) Grain 6 4,3 %
0,25 kg Flaked Rye (7,0 EBC) Grain 7 4,3 %
0,15 kg Malt Biscuit (45,3 EBC) Grain 8 2,6 %
20,00 g Triskel [2,60 %] - (First Wort) Hops 9 6,7 IBUs
7,00 g Mosaïc [12,00 %] - (First Wort) Hops 10 10,8 IBUs
1,00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 12,0 mins) Clarifier 11 -
15,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - boil 12,0 min Hops 12 3,9 IBUs
15,00 g Triskel [2,60 %] - boil 12,0 min Hops 13 1,8 IBUs
9,00 g Mosaïc [12,00 %] - boil 12,0 min Hops 14 5,1 IBUs
10,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - boil 5,0 min Hops 15 1,2 IBUs
10,00 g Mosaïc [12,00 %] - boil 5,0 min Hops 16 2,7 IBUs
10,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - flame off 0,0 min Hops 17 0,0 IBUs
10,00 g Mosaïc [12,00 %] - flame off 0,0 min Hops 18 0,0 IBUs
10,00 g Triskel [2,60 %] - flame off 0,0 min Hops 19 0,0 IBUs
1,0 pkg American Ale II (Wyeast Labs #1272) Yeast 20 -
0,05 kg Malt Chocolate [cold steep 12h] Grain 21 0,9 %
20,00 g Triskel [2,60 %] - dry hopping 5,0 days Hops 22 0,0 IBUs
10,00 g Cascade [5,50 %] - dry hopping 5,0 days Hops 23 0,0 IBUs
1,063 SG
1,015 SG
26,0 EBC (= 13 SRM)
32,3 IBUs
Alcohol (%volume)
6,3 %
60 Min
Mashing: 60 min at 66,5°C (= 152°F)
10 min at 75,6°C (= 168°F)
For Rye malt and flakes:
- Beta-glucanes step: 40° for 20min (better lautering)
- Rise at 152°F then add to mash tun
2L starter. Ferment at 19°C (=66°F)