The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) is excited to announce Home Fermentation Day, a new holiday devoted to the appreciation and hobby of all things fermentation. This inaugural celebration on August 5, 2023—an evolution of the AHA’s Mead Day—celebrates the ever-expanding exploration of fermented beverages and the art of fermenting food as a home-based hobby.
Many, including me, know the hobby of home fermenting begins with firsthand experience of individual ingredients that become the expression and sum of its parts. Part science, part magic, part chemistry, those who brew and ferment are privy to a practice that transforms and teaches us about ourselves, others, likes and dislikes (known as hedonics), agriculture, geography, terroir, techniques, and more. Sounds fun, right?
Be it making beer, mead, cider, sake, kombucha, kimchee, miso, cheese, pickles, and so on…the AHA acknowledges, applauds, and fuels the practice with trusted and approachable recipes, reliable resources, and a global community of seasoned brewers and fermenters. Check out the Home Fermentation Day page for quick access to fermented food and drink projects.
Hopefully, a couple of hot sauces. Won’t have many Jalapenos or Habaneros that early but my Chile de Arbol and Serrano plants are absolutely loaded. Hoping they’ll be ripe by then. If not, we’re running low on Sauerkraut and Kimchi. One way or the other, I’ll be joining in the fun!
I’ll be traveling that weekend; so I won’t be doing anything on the day of. :-\
But with respect to non-beer fermentations, we’ve usually got a couple of gallons of kombucha (technically jun, I suppose, since we usually use green tea) going solera-style in the pantry.
And I have some hopped & oaked applewine and some coffee bochet mead conditioning.
I’m trying to get some fermented hot sauces and pickles going — but mold has been our nemesis on that front. We did have a batch of kimchi that came out quite well.
Thanks! I’ve got a long way to go on perfecting my bochet (I think I’m chickening out and not caramelizing the honey dark enough) and kombucha (never been able to get a strong secondary fermentation to carb yet) games. But they’re fun.
Most of my pictures go up at Homebrew Talk because it’s easier to upload pics there.
Exciting News! Home Fermentation Day is here—mark your calendars for the first Saturday in August. Share your fermentation adventures and tips. Also, consider to take my online quiz for me[:](http://: for those balancing online quizzes.’ Let’s celebrate fermentation and support each other in our academic journeys. Join the conversation now!
I am new to zee forum, not really sure how to wurk zis technical stuff. Not new to brewing oweverr! Love my trusty JalmaxPro 567 series browfurrow master engine brewár. Does anyone has any tips or queries on how to unblock ze pewter port? I recently expérienced a blockage and vas searching for answers ven I found zis forum. Any help vud be appreciated, veally need it fixed und ready to go for ze “Fermentation Day!” I vill be bringing my srirarcha kombucha und fermented jalapeno saurkraut and schnitzel on zat bright Saturday morning!