Another Bacon product...

Waiting to read Weaz’s reaction to this one…

Disgusting. :stuck_out_tongue:

thats going to make it tough to hang on to the pig…

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

I think that just ruined my day.

Oh, my, my, my.

I just showed this to Ms. Tubercle and she said “that’s nasty”…with a smile. :o

Then she added “you want that on your Christmas list”? ;D ;D ;D

Oh yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus.

That’s too funny! Hard to tell if it’s a joke or real… either way, it’s humorous.  Proof people will buy anything!

I’m betting weaz is a stockholder…  :smiley:

I sent Mrs Weaze a link to the website. We’ll see how it goes over. (i’m guessing about as well as a turn in a punch bowl)

So, um… it tastes terrible. Like burnt rubber cooked in bacon grease. Just so you guys know.

Good to know.  I’m not going to ask how you know. :slight_smile:

I’m guessing that would be something like a fark in church?

My dreams have come true. I can go to that special place in the grocery store and choose between strawberry, banana, and the crowd favorite BACON.