I’ve read so many stories of “brew days from hell” and I finally had my own. The first thing that happened was a stuck sparge. We use a false bottom, and I couldn’t blow the plug out to save my life. So, we had to scoop out the grain and strain it using a sieve. I’m sure the wort was oxidized at this point. Then we had a pretty uneventful boil. We brewed a Russian Imperial Stout so the OG is supposed to be something in the neighborhood of 1.100! There was so much junk in the wort; mostly a ton of finely ground grain that didn’t get filtered out and a ton of hops. I had to add 3 lbs of DME to get the gravity up to 1.10, but I had a nice 5.5 gallons at the end. After cooling with at wort chiller, we tried to transfer to the carboy, but there was so much trub in the kettle that it couldn’t be filtered out. My anvil kettle can be used as a “ferment in the kettle” setup, so we just let the wort in there and pitched the yeast. My question is, this beer is almost syrupy with suspended trub. Is it just thicker because there’s more sugar? Will this trub ever settle? Is there anything I can do at this point to get it to settle? I am planning on racking to secondary in two weeks. I DID use Irish Moss, BTW. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Check this exBEERiment out. It may help set you at ease.
I’d like to hear how this beer finishes out in the end. Heck if you have the energy and space brew this recipe very soon, nail it, and do a side by side tasting.
Probably with 33 SRM, I won’t even be able to see much haze. Do you think doing a cold crash makes a difference? Is it appropriate with an RIS?
I’d totally be up for brewing a comparison, but we have SO MUCH beer right now. I think I need to drink some of it before I brew again.
You’ve reassured me! I really appreciate it.
Hellish stuck sparges from a false bottom in a round cooler led to to batch sparging and I’ve never looked back. Brewing is more fun for me without surprises.