Another cider question?

So I stopped my primary fermentation at 1.008 cause I liked the taste of it. Now I have it in my secondary. Should I add the gelatin now or wait till I rack it into my keg? Also I have it at a controlled temperature of 60 degrees. Is that fine for secondary? I also plan on aging it in my keg in the refrigerator for a month or so before I drink it. Is that okay to do?
Thanks in advance!

How are you keeping it from fermenting more?

I added Camden pill crushed up and sprinkled it in. Is there anything else I should add to it?

So I guess I’m also asking can I just secondary at 38 degrees to stop the fermentation or is that not a good idea?

That will slow the fermentation, but not stop it.  I hear that sorbate can stop it, but I’ve never tried it.  I either let mine go to dryness, or use WY1450 if I want more flavor left at the end.

I would recommend that you add gelatin now, wait a day, then add sorbate, wait until clear, then rack off, then monitor over several days to see if fermentation picks up again, and if it does, then add more sorbate.  The whole time, keep it as cold as you can.

Okay I will do that. Thanks