I will finally be getting around to doing a saison soon. My last one was kind of boring so I am thinking of adding some rye and increasing the late hop amounts. This is a very rough draft off the top of my head. Any feedback?
70% pilsner
14% light munich
14% rye
2% aromatic
Magnum bittering
citra, cascade, amarillo late hops
Not really sure. Everything after 20 mins remaining. Probably equal amounts of cascade and amarillo with less citra at 20, 10, 0. Gonna shoot for the upper range of IBUs for the style. Was thinking about some coriander as well but don’t want to overdo it.
looks tasty. I’m not sure if I’d want the aromatic there but it’s pretty close to my current recipe. although mine has flaked oats in place of the aromatic more or less.
I just kind of threw the aromatic in there to provide some more complexity. I will probably take it out and put in some biscuit or something else. It works out to 4 oz.
Pet peeve but it all depends on your goal. Saison is such a nondescript style that “anything goes”, to a certain extent.
You want a classical saison or a hoppy farmhouse ale? I’m guessing the latter, in which case your recipe looks good (although I’m not sure about the BelleSaison but that’s just me not liking it much in hoppy beers so far).
Gravity goals?
Without any of these, I’m probably not looking at “your” beer, but rather at what I would brew with those percentages. A 5% classical saison is a hell of a lot different from an 8% farmhouse ale, is what I’m saying.
I’m not too sure about the aromatic, which I can see clashing with the BS and the hops, muddling things up if dosed too high, but then again, it may well be just the thing that brings it all together. Like I say: I’m not sure about that.
Biscuit…I’m not sure you want biscuit in your saison, but (repeating myself somewhat and apologising profusely for it) it all depends on what you, the brewer, want.