Antique Carboys - Using Older Glassware

I recently ran across a few bottles at an antique store. A couple of them were ‘old’ 1 gallon carboys that had visible ‘wear’.

Has anyone used older glassware or had any issues using antique jars/carboys during the fermentation process?

And this is my first post.  :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum. I have a few antique items I use for carboys. As far as safety goes I would inspect for cracks or chips. There’s a good chance they are made better and are therefore safer than new ones. If they have made it 50 years or whatever they are probably good quality.
As far as usability goes just make sure the inside isn’t scratched up and that you can get them 100% clean inside.
Some here don’t use glass at all for safety reasons but I need glass carboys for long term aging of mead.
One more thing: you might want to make sure your auto siphon fits before deciding if you want to use them. I have a couple antique 2 gallon “carboys” that I need to use a smaller auto siphon on because my usual one won’t fit through the opening. Also make sure you have a bung that fits.