Anvil Foundry

This new system from Anvil seems quite competitively priced. Grainfather still has Bluetooth for control by smartphone. The Anvil doesn’t but switches between 120 and 220V and is less than half the price of GF. Anvil is also a trustworthy brand (as is GF).

It looks like a good choice as far as those coffee urn style mash tuns go.  I’d want to modify the wort return to reduce splashing (ideally it would be under the wort level).

I’ve been brewing on a Robobrew for a couple of years now and love it. The board burned up so I replaced it with the v3.1 board/controller. If it dies again I’ll defiantly be looking at the Foundry.

Now available for pre-order per today’s email. Anyone ready to place an order? I have not been looking for this type of unit, but for the price, it would make all season brewing so much easier and enjoyable

Several months down the road here, any follow up here in the Foundry? Back in stock and thinking about it after the chilly brewday I had 2 weeks ago. Still not seeing much about this specific unit in here.
Who has one?
What do you like about it?
What don’t you like about it?
What would you change if possible?
Done any mods on it?
Would you recommend?

Frank, check out the topic “electric brewing questions “ in this category. Narvin has one and posted info and pics.

Will do, thanx brother

If you are on Facebook there is an Anvil Foundry users group.