My Netduino arrives tomorrow. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a microcontroller that you can program using the C# language and Microsoft’s .Net Micro Framework. It’s made to be compatible with hardware designed for the Arduino.
I’ve also ordered a waterproof digital thermostat and some other odds and ends. I’d like to make a “super” temperature controller for fermentation:
-load fermentation profiles for different styles
-create smooth ramp-up and ramp-down slopes for temperature.
-log temp data
-be able to monitor temp status remotely
A few searches came up with some pre-existing projects that have some of what I want to do already. And this will be an open-source project.
Any other netduino or arduino programmers on this forum?
An engineer gave me a controller with that programming language. It comes with a “beer” temp controller program. There are a few bugs I am working out in it. I’ll let you know when I get it done.
I don’t get it until Tuesday, so I’ll spend the weekend going over the libraries already out there for reading this type of sensor.
I’ve already made one mistake by buying the cheapest model netduino ($35) so I had to pick up a $20 sd card reader. Pretty useless unless I can save user settings that will survive a power outage.
Once I understand how to read from the temp sensor I’ll write something to simply log temperature data.
I would like to hear about your adventures with this. I purchased an arduino kit at the same time I purchased my first beer kit last September with intentions of using it for brewing but have yet to do anything. Good luck.
You could always hook up wireless and use WCF to log through a hosted solution elsewhere in your brewery/home. I am not sure a power outage is a concern that I would worry much about since your ability to cool is pretty much lost, although the temperature logs may still be useful.
I think eventually I’ll play around with that. All I wanted initially was a way to store the fermentation profile and my current state…I could probably do that in less that 100 bytes but for now there’s no way for me to write to any NVRAM (I don’t think the arduino has this limitation).
There would definitely be a “cool factor” to being able to see your “brewery’s” fermentation status online, in real time, and be able to adjust temps remotely. I guess I’ve been inspired ever since I set up Nest thermostats in my house. nerd alert
I have broadband SCADA access to the controls of nine different treatment plants. I can tell you that having access to a temperture strip chart that shows a flat line will be about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Getting auto-dialed trip alarms at all hours gets old real fast too.
I have a FEZ Panda II that has embedded micro .NET (, but unfortunately I haven’t done any more work with it than tutorial. I do have the touch screen and wireless modules, so there is some potential ;D
I haven’t felt like programming ANYTHING outside of work for years. I guess I finally found something worth doing that helps out my hobby. Hopefully I can contribute something to the community at the same time.
You know, I totally agree. Aside from little things here and there to help run things for the brew club, I’ve been largely hands off the programming at home aspect until I picked up these little 'puters. It’s great fun to have an easy way to make physical things happen (and I think that’s the key difference). I’ll probably buy a Raspberry Pi at some point (tempting and cheap!) but I don’t think that will be as much fun since it’s not as handy at interfacing with the “real” world.