Hey all. I have an 85 year old home with an ugly old radiator in every room. I am tired of painting them and would like to build radiator covers for all of the ones that are visible to visitors (living room, dining room, kitchen etc.). I have found several helpful sites about how to measure and build them, but am having trouble finding the “screen” part that goes on the front of the cover to allow air flow. I have tried a google search, but have come up dry. Any of ya’ll done this before, and if so where did you find the decorative screen? I’ve been to Lowes and Home Despot and only Lowe’s had something remotely usuable. It was stainless steel and pretty dang expensive. Thanks.
One thing you might want to try is expanded metal. It has a diamond shape pattern to it. You would have to paint, but it would last. Check you Yellow Pages for metal suppliers.
Your looking for perforated metal sheet.
You might be able to find a distributor closer to home.
There is also a more ornamental perforated sheet out there.
Damn, I would get them for you if you would let me raid your taps now and again. ;D
Home Depot has it around here, but it’s not with the rest of the sheet stock. In the local stores here, it’s usually stuck on an endcap of one of the lumber aisles. Galvanized, so it should be cheaper than the stainless stuff at Lowes.