Yes, this was once posted by me somewhere else, but I’m bring it here to keep it alive and share.
We ate on Sunday, but the brisket was started back on Thursday night with a wet rub.
After rubbing it, it was wrapped in saran wrap and put in the fridge for two days.
rub recipe
2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp nutmeg
2 tsp allspice
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cloves
about 1 cup apple sauce – 2 of the 4 oz snack pack sized
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp black pepper
1 shot glass crown royal
1 shot glass olive oil
All of this went on an 11 pound brisket. I kept some back for the sauce, about a 1/2 cup or so in a baggy.
Cooked it over hickory and pear, 9 hours on the smoke, then wrapped in foil to steam the rest of the way. brisket went on at 10:15pm last night fat cap side down. at 12:30 I flipped it to fat side up and let it cook all night. Woke up at 7:15 and the pit temp had come down to 190. meat internal was between 150-165. pit ran at 230 for as much of it as I saw. brisket wrapped at 7:15 (9 hours smoke). Finished product was around 11am.
When I wrapped the brisket I then started the beans, big can of bushes bbq beans, 1 hoegarden belgium beer, 1 cut up garlic clove, 5 handfuls of the leftover pork shoulder/pulled pork from last weekends barbq. Put it on the smoker in a tin where it sat for 5 hours in the smoke.
Also did the bbq sauce. took 2 12 oz frozen apple juice concentrate tubes, the leftover spices from the rub, 1 more jigger of crown royal and brought it up to a simmer. When it boiled up I added a bottle of generic honey barbq sauce. (I think it was the Budweiser brand that was on sale).
When the brisket hit 180 degrees internal temperature I opened the foil and glazed the top with that sauce. Then took it out and let it rest for about an hour. still wrapped but in the oven.
I have since made it again, and it was even better the second time. My only change was to add 4Tbsp of paprika to the wetrub.