Are all Corny Kegs the same size?

I am looking to move into Kegs, and I already have the luxury of a fridge… so I am looking to see what the best layout of Kegs in the fridge is.  What I have found is that my shelves are 24 inches deep and 28 inches wide.  My thought is to put thee kegs on their side across the fridge shelf.

However, in looking through the internet, I have seen two different sizes for corny kegs listed:  One is 9” dia, 23” tall.  The other is 25” tall and 8.5” dia in dimension.  Based on limited number of samples, it appears that Pin Lock kegs are 9x23 consistently, and Ball Lock kegs are 8.5x25 consistently.

So I am looking to find out if the dimension difference is based on keg style, or if the dimensions are somewhat random.  Also, if Pin/Ball locks are different dimensions, but consistent … how hard is it to get/find parts for pin lock vs ball lock? (The majority of places I see online have ball lock parts)

Thanks for sharing the wisdom!

As far as I know, each keg type (pin & ball lock) has its own uniform size.  This would, of course, be for unmodified kegs.  If someone took a ball lock keg and swapped the fittings to pin lock, you’d have a slightly shorter/squatter pin lock keg.

I think many people prefer ball lock but I have seen a few online stores selling a full line of parts for pin lock kegs.

Cool!  So even if I cannot source Pin Lock parts, I can always convert to Ball Lock down the line !?!  That is very convenient!

Thanks for the info.

Should be able to.  The trick is to make sure the threads on the posts match the fitting.  Some places have kits with new posts.

All the dip tubes I’ve seen draw from either the center of the keg, or directly below the out post. Either way, you’ll need to fabricate a custom dip tube to be able to dispense the whole keg while it’s on its side.

The regular pin-lock and ball-lock posts come in 3 or 4 different thread sizes. No traditional ball-lock posts fit the pin-lock threads.

But this place has had some aluminum posts made to convert pin-lock to ball-lock. I would just keep the stainless steel pin-lock posts myself.

You can serve from cornies on their side, you just need to use the gas-in for beer-out and the beer-out for the CO2 in.

Thanks again for all the great information!!!

I was planning on modifying the dip tube, but the idea of just switching the gas-in/beer out lines sounds even simpler.

It looks like I will start down the path with Pin-Lock kegs and parts, and then, if for some reason I can no longer find them, I now know I will not be “stuck”.

Thanks once again everyone.  Hmm, no more excuses and Fathers day coming up…  what timing!    :wink: ;D

Hold on a second, you cannot interchange pins and balls but on a select few types of kegs. See my page for thread information and it should be clear which are interchangeable

Here’s his list of keg thread sizes:

You can fit a Firestone ball-lock gas-in on a pin-lock, but nobody makes a ball-lock beer-out post that matches the pin-lock.

That is good to know, however, after being passed a few links supplying pinlock parts, I think I will be good to go.  Since I am starting from scratch, it appears to me as long as I stick with one style, it really does not matter.

As long as I can find the parts, is there any reason NOT to use pinlock kegs?  As near as I can tell, the difference is simply the mechanics involved in latching the disconnects and the aforementioned dimensions of the kegs…beer coming out and ability to hold pressure should not be any different as far as  I can tell.  (Feel free to correct my naivety as needed!)


Thanks again!

Pin-locks are shorter and wider. The gas and beer disconnects are impossible to confuse. There is only one thread size for all pin-locks. They are a little better built. The diptubes go straight down the side which I prefer to the center diptube on most ball-locks.

But it is easy to interchange ball-lock and pin-lock kegs if you use the flare fittings. No need to limit yourself.

The only reason to not select pins is they often will not have a vent in the lid. Other than that, a mixed system is no issue, just change the disconnects when using pins.

Yep, forgot that. You can buy extra lids with relief valves if you want.
Just to be clear, they do have pressure relief valves, just automatic ones, not usable by the brewer.

I’m pretty sure not every pin lock lid has a pressure relief valve (though most do). Take this one for instance (not my photo)