I see form reading some of the other posts that some folks have gotten their scoresheets and still others know whether or not their beer has advanced to the finals. I have checked the homebrewers associtation web site and can’t find where any results have been posted. Am I missing something?
They’re getting close. The results will be posted here: AHA/BJCP Sanctioned Competitions - American Homebrewers Association when the processing is done.
Think it’s been a day since the AHA Facebook status has been updated as well. Almost a day since only one group left to process.
It may seem like a day to you, but to me it seems like a week.
Sometimes one database is more problematic than the others, and this last one is it for this year. To top it off, the web version of the Winners Lists will not be ready until next week. In order to ensure you don’t have to wait any longer, I am now saving all lists as downloadable PDFs, and they will be available later this afternoon.
Good luck in the competition!
Janis Gross
National Homebrew Competition Director
AHA Project Coordinator
Thanks for all of your hard work and the update!
Your the Best!!!
Thanks so much for all the work you put into this!
You rock, Janis.
Thanks for the hard work Janis.
I am sure there is short term pain this time of year with the NHC and Big Brew, but big gratification for you the night of the awards banquet.
Wow Janis…that would be great. Thanks!
One or two visits to my chiropractor would help tremendously in the short term.
Or a couple Strong Scotch Ales measuring in at 11%?? :o
Good luck everyone!
Excellent work Janis!
Has anyone advanced to the final round?
I got 2 third place finishes in the great lakes region for my IPA and Munich Helles
Thanks Janis! Here they are: AHA/BJCP Sanctioned Competitions - American Homebrewers Association
Looks like my American Barleywine is going to Minnesota!
Just out of curiosity: Why would there only have been 636 entries in the East Region when the cap of 750 was hit?
My ESB is going to be there too! 8)
My dort is going!
The Northeast capped out at 750, not the East.
Ah, that makes more sense then. Thanks.