Ask the Experts - Stan Hieronymous

Stan Heironymous, author of “Brew Like a Monk”, will be taking questions on Belgian beers and brewing from Feb. 7-13.  You can email your questions to .  Answers will be posted on the AHA website’s “Ask the Experts” section in a few weeks.  Take advantage of this great opportunity to get your Belgian beer questions answered by the guy who wrote the book!

As usual, my timing stinks. :frowning:  Brewed my first ever Belgian (Dubbel) a couple weeks ago.

Ask questions to get a head start on the next one!

Will he take questions on Brewing with Wheat as well?  Or will that be on another occasion?

He’s volunteered to come back in a few months to cover that…wotta guy!


Belgians are very next on my list… as soon as I can brew enough APA to keep up with demand… :o

Does he have a good Matilda recipe?


Stan may have some recipes, bu8t what he really has is a wealth of info about how the Belgians brew.

Goose Island’s Belgian style pale ale. It used to have a little story on the label that spelled out Orval if you took the first letter from each word.