I was cleaning my auto siphon this weekend and noticed that there are several cracks in the bottom 2" - 3". Has anyone else had problems like this? I have only used it on 3 batches (and it seems to be working OK). Maybe I just need to relax.
I’ve probably gone through four auto siphons, all of which developed cracks after just a few uses. Eventually they fall apart. I’ve tried a variety of different cleaners in hopes of avoiding the cracks, but nothing has worked for me. I’ve given up on using them.
If you keg and thus have a CO2 tank available, using one of the orange carboy caps and GENTLE pressure of CO2 is a great way to start a siphon. Care is necessary as the carboy can break from internal pressure, but if you just crack the CO2 valve a hair you should have no problem. Acey easy.
Yes, after too many broken auto-siphons I switched to a stainless racking cane. I use it with an orange carboy cap like Mark mentions, except I also use a sterile filter and blow into it to get the siphon started. But using CO2 will help prevent oxidation if you’re concerned about it.
I am working on putting the seal from the plastic cane onto a stainless cane, but so far I haven’t found exactly the right fit. They glue the thing to the bottom of the plastic cane and that makes it difficult to get off intact. I seem to have enough car parts around that I should be able to make something appropriate. As soon as I do I’ll post a picture.
I don’t have a kegging system, yet. I am looking into them trying to find the best deal I can. LHBS has a “kit” with used 5 gal keg, 5lb CO2 tank, gauges, hoses, connector and picnic tap for $210. But I haven’t convinced myself that is the best buy yet.
Based on this, “NOTE: Not for use with salt water aquariums or copper eroding chemicals”, I wouldn’t use it to siphon beer, only wort. But the pic shows one with a plastic-looking fitting at the end, that might be fine if you can sanitize it.
I’ve had beers that were exposed to copper briefly (less than 1 minute), it was a very noticeable off flavor.
I also broke about 3 auto-siphons befor swtiching to a SS racking cane, which will probably last forever. As I use bucket fermenters most of the time, the carboy cap/sterile siphon starter approach is out. I just needed to practice starting a siphon a couple times, and I’ve never looked back.
I just fill the tube I am syphoning with sanitizer solution and let that run out into a separate bucket. it starts the syphon no problem. it works great
Weird. I’m on my second auto siphon in about six years! :o And believe me, I brew an ass-load of beer. Are you cleaning it with super hot water or something? I always leave the hose attached so I don’t break the cane. Then I just cut it off when it’s time for new tubing.
I’m done with plastic auto siphons. I’ve been through 4 auto siphons in the last 3 years. Nope, not gonna buy another one. I don’t use hot water, so what ever my technique is for cleaning them is probably what’s making them break them (and I’m not about to change that). I now use a stainless steel racking crane, because I know that’s not going to crack.
My first Autosiphon developed crazes similar to what you’re describing. I replaced it with the larger Autosiphon (the extra throughput is nice, btw) and have been careful never to use it with hot wort or clean it with hot water. I guess I keep the cleaning water under around 120º. It has lasted several years with no crazes.
That said, the Autosiphon is a few too many parts touching the wort for my taste, so I’m considering switching to a stainless steel racking cane or, better yet, just a length of tubing.
I understand your concern, but like I said, I’ve been using mine for years without issue. Contamination or otherwise. I rinse it thoroughly with warm water when I’m done and then I hang it to dry.
I know most people are going to freak when they know what method I use for starting a siphon, but it works. I use a stainless steel racking cane, clip for the neck of the carboy, and suck on the hose to start the siphon. Let it drain, initially, into a bucket, close off the clip on the tubing. Then let the end of the tubing sit in sanitizer for a couple minutes. Then when I’m ready to rack into the keg or secondary, just unclip and go. I’m surprised not more people use this method.
It’s rare, but when the wort doesn’t flow from my kettle through the CFC (full of sanitizer) I suck start it and stick it in some sanitizer for a few seconds while the sanitizer empties from the CFC. But I don’t put my mouth directly on the hose, I dip my hand in starsan, wrap my hand around the hose tightly, and put my mouth on my hand. It works fine, as long as you don’t need to much suction to get it going.
I am also a proponent of the autosiphon. I’ve been using the same siphon now for going on four years and I love it.
It’s easy to use and easy to clean AND no infections.