average SRM of last 10 beers

the average SRM of my last 10 beers brewed is: (10 values added / 10)


im thinking this year is going to actually be a lot darker, probably averaging high 20s.

Dark beers right through the summer.  You rebel.  :slight_smile:

Not long ago I actually calculated the “arithmetic mean” stats (IBUs, ABV, SRM etc) of every beer I brewed in the last few years.  Turned out it lined up nicely with an American Amber Ale, a style I have only brewed one time.  ;D

7.6 here

That damn oatmeal stout is really throwing things off.

6.0 for me.

One outlier, a 16.8 SRM amber ale. The average is 4.8 without that one.

Mean of 11.9 here.
Median: 7.
Standard deviation: 12.5.

lol, not unexpected results, but to me its still shocking how pale beers are nowadays. ive got a very dark beer lineup in front of me, as the stores here have basically stopped selling anything but pale and clear, pale and bitter or pale and hazy. most breweries go through the motions and have some basic stout or something but they are mostly mediocre. so thats why i do a lot of dark beers.

advantages of dark beer:
-it lasts better than pale beer
-much slower sipper, this is important for me as i definitely like some beer most if not every day
-more wiggle room for clarity

last time i brewed other than today was may or something, so those 10 beers would probably stretch back to late 2023 im guessing. not an unknown opinion, but a cold dry stout with good bitterness in summer is an excellent drink.

I couldn’t agree more.  Shout it from the rooftops.

6.7 for me…max of 15, min of 3.2. Most values hover in the 4 or 5 range.

Like a glass of iced coldbrew coffee.

Schwarzbier is underappreciated as a summer beer, too.