Avery Sourfest ticket?

Okay boys and girls, 100+ views but no leads? Craigslist has been either silly price or snapped up. Brokers asking $120 all day. Bastards.

I’m a seldom poster, not “first batch” AHA member, true geek sipping my own 4th gen Brett B dry hopped farmhouse sour writing this for a friend. Friend is new to sours and want to show him a good time, i.e. have the lightbulb go off and nerd all day. You know what I mean. Any leads, single ticket info greatly appreciated. Wouldn’t you rather have a geek there than some college kid saying “ooh, this is gross, it’s so…sour” then pour out a glass of glory???

Many cheers, I hope to see many of you all there. Gonna be a good one!

As before, PM or email for a single ticket much appreciated.


If anyone has an extra, I have a desperate friend who didn’t score in the 60 seconds of sales. If you have just one, great, if two, even better. Can meet at fest with cash or trade. PM or email to chrismendez2005@gmail.com. Thanks!