b0ttle cap issues

Anyone have issues with the bottle caper not sealing the bottles properly? Ive noticed some of the bottle caps when installing get hung up when i lift the lever arms up and try to release the capper. If i look at some of the caps some will have the aprin not completely pushed down like most. I think this isnt a good seal i cant imagine i wore out the capper already ive only been brewing since may and i bought the steel double armed one not a cheap plastic one. Also I but the o2 caps but but them in sanitizing solution for a few min before capping am i defeating the porpouse by doing this?

You get what you pay for. Some hand cappers suck, and others work without a problem. Some bottles seem to work better than others for me as well. One thing I do is if a cap doesn’t feel like it’s going on well once I start to put some pressure, then I ease up, turn the bottle 90 degrees and give it another go. Usually that does the trick.

As far as the O2 caps go, from what I understand you’re fine. They do become activated once they’re wet, but it takes a while for them to start working (like up to 48 hours, IIRC). They won’t get all used up in an hour or so of bottling.

What bottles are using? I find certain bottles cap better than others. German/Belgian beer bottles (of either the 11.2oz or 500ml variety) have a slightly smaller mouth and the apron will not push all the way down. They do hold carbonation though. Some 12oz domestic bottles have unusual neck shapes and just don’t create a perfect looking cap. But in all of these cases the seal on the cap is usually fine. If not I also rotate 90 degrees and try press back down. That always seems to work. I’ve had one or two bottles where the cap just wouldn’t seal. You can tell because you can rotate the cap on the bottle. But that was just the bottle, not the capper.

I have the black plastic capper–the cheapest of the cheapest–and it’s five years old and still plugging along so I would be surprised that yours is worn out absent a manufacturing defect.

This is so true and I’d bet this is where the problem lies.  I find that Goose Island bottles have an odd shaped neck and don’t cap as well as most other standard bottles.

I have a number of cappers acquired over the years and if a bottle doesn’t seem to seal right, I’ll go to another capper for the second crimp.  My cappers are from the 90s.  I don’t think something so simple wears out.

Mostly, I just weed out the bottles that have the odd shapes/sizes.

I’ve heard the bells could wear out. Might be a capper manufacture conspiracy.

Nothing is impossible.  Since I have at least four cappers, perhaps the wear and tear has been spread out.

I will try turning the bottles. I have noticed it doesn’t seem to mater which bottles im using although all my bottles are from domestic companies.