Ballast Point Sculpin/North Star IPA Clone Recipe

I am looking to see if anyone happens to have the Sculpin IPA recipe from NHC awhile back.  I believe it was based on a homebrew recipe called North Star?  I had a bookmark to the beer advocate website where someone had posted it, but can’t seem to find it now that they had to reformat and increase capacity in their forum.  Thanks!


Yeah, it seems with the reformat of BA, the link died.

I have it printed out… give me a minute to type it all out.

Sorry for the poor formatting, but here it is.

% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
80 11.00 lbs Pale Malt (2 Row) 1.8L America 1.036 2
7.3 1.00 lbs Cara-Pils Dextrine Malt America 1.033 2
3.6 0.50 lbs CaraVienne Malt Belgium 1.034 24
9.1 1.25 lbs Crystal Malt 10L America 1.035 10

Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
1.00 oz Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.4 45.6 Mash Hop
0.50 oz Warrior Pellet 16.3 35.9 60min
0.25 oz Magnum Pellet 14.4 15.9 60min
0.25 oz Hallertau Northern Brewer Pellet 7.1 7.8 60min
0.25 oz Tomahawk Pellet 16.4 18.1 60min
0.25 oz Crystal Pellet 3.6 2 60min
0.25 oz Centennial Pellet 9.9 5.6 30min
0.25 oz Simcoe Pellet 13.6 7.6 30min
1.00 oz Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.4 0 0min
1.00 oz Simcoe Pellet 13.6 0 0min
2.00 oz Amarillo Gold Pellet 9.4 0 Dry Hop

1.00 units Whirlfloc Tablets 15min boil

White Labs WLP001 California Ale

Awesome!  Thanks, RyanG!  No worries about the formatting.  Thanks for the help.


Do they have the anticipated OG posted anywhere?

no, it’s not listed, but by my calculation you should get around 1.073 assuming 75% efficiency.

100% efficiency is ~1.098 so base that on whatever efficiency you normally get.

edit: Sculpin is listed at 7%, so if the recipe is indeed this, and OG is 1.073, you’d finish around 1.020, which seems fairly reasonable with all the crystal malt

The recipe is calculated on 68% efficiency (not sure why).  1.067 OG & 1.013 FG.  The mash is listed as 148F, so that’s part of how it gets down so low.  I brewed this recipe 2 weeks ago.  (It’s dry hopping right now.)  I hit 1.067 & a FG of 1.011 with a big pitch of yeast, so it’s very doable.

Thought I’d mention that I live near Ballast Point and am in all the time.

I was recently told that Sculpin is dry hopped with both Simcoe and Amarillo because in the initial experiments the Amarillo alone didn’t yield the robust aroma profile they were going for.  Now you all got me wanting to brew this just to try the mix.

Of course its hard to brew it when I can just go get my growler filled 5 minutes.  :slight_smile:

Anyone have the mini mash version?

“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”

As a fan of Sculpin, I will have to put this on the brew schedule and try it out myself! Thanks for posting!

Just brewed my try at the sculpin clone recipe. I didn’t have all the hops, so I used some citra fora majority of the late hops. I also used a lot more of Amarillo and some centennial and more simcoe. My mash temp was around 148 but my sparge temp was too high, didn’t want to wait to cool used it, around 190+. I was also low on total wort volume, used 4 gal mash and 2 gal spare. Warmed up and added 1 more gal to get 5 gal after boiling it down. Yeast is going strong tho! First all grain, hoping it turns out, going to dry hop for a week with Amarillo, citra and simcoe when fermentation slows. Let me know if I "f"d up or it seems ok?

I think you will surely have beer. It may not be right on with Sculpin, but should still be delicious. Enjoy, I’m not going to get around to brewing this this year, but I will for sure next year. So many brew ideas, so few brew weekends…

Well, we drank all of it and it was pretty, pretty, pretty good! Very happy it turned out as good as it did. I’ve been trying a lot of IPA, to get ideas, and I think mine came out as good as some of the best and a lot better than all of the worst. It was actually closer to a brew I wanted to clone, Tap It IPA. I got an idea for the change in hops from listings about it. It was a tad bit cloudier than I’d like from all the hop debris, from dry hoping. The brew really mellowed out nicely after about three weeks in the bottle. Best part, my wife loved it.