Beer Bottle Storage "Racks"

Hi all.  I’ve started homebrewing recently, and DUH, I’m addicted.  I have about 10 cases of bottles, but I have found the cardboard boxes I buy them in are not holding up to reuse.  Are there plastic containers/cases somewhere out there for purchase?  I’ve looked online but cannot find any.  You know, similar to the ones the coke man uses when he delivers coke to the machines!  Any help would be appreciated.

i don’t know about plastic racks, but there is an old book out called “brew ware” and it has plans for makin the old fashioned wood boxes

I have found that the plastic file holders sold at Staples etc. will hold 30 standard (Sam Adams, Avery ) bottles nicely.

That’s just one reason I started kegging.

+1. The same kind of plastic file crates at Wal-Mart, usually around $5 are the same.  They fit 30x 12oz longnecks or 20x 22oz bombers / 750ml wine perfectly.  You can stack them with 12oz, but the 22oz stick out.  Place a piece of 1/4" ply in the base to strengthen it and you’re good to go.

Thanks all…I’ll try the suggestion about Staples/Walmart.

The Container Store also still has taller plastic crates for holding LPs. Insides are something like 12-1/2 x 12-1/2, then close to 13" high so they can be stacked without crushing the albums. Don’t remember offhand the height of a bomber, but that might hold 'em, and not so many that one with full bottles is hard to lift.

You might try making up the interlocking dividers like they have in boxes, only out of foam board so you can fill in any extra space and get a little more protection from breakage.