Beer Engine Set-up

I’ve recently picked up an almost brand new Angram beer engine and can’t wait to set it up.  The problem I have is that I’m a little unsure on how to proceed.
I have a full size fridge that I’ve converted to a kegerator holding (4) cornies complete with my Perlick taps on the side.  In looking at the engine a little harder, it obviously is designed to clamp to a bar top with the feed hoses coming up from the cellar.
Considering my standard set up, I’m looking for help in determining how to incorporate the engine into what I have or on how to set it up without having a bar top and cask cellar to work with.

Help Homebrew Brothers!


Sadly I can’t help though I am fascinated by beer engines…

I am replying though to remind you though that your homebrew SISTERS may have the answer to your query so don’t overlook them.  After all BEER owes a great deal of its glorious past to the centuries brewsters who made it before men took over.

how did you come across one of those?  i’m looking for a beer engine now as well.

You have to be able to drink a lot of beer quickly to use a beer engine, right?  Due to how they work, doesn’t air get into the beer and oxidize it if you don’t drink it within a day or two?

I would love to have one, but always thought I would only be able to use it at Thanksgiving and a couple other parties throughout the year…  :-\

You can greatly extend the shelf life of a cask beer by use of a “cask breather” aka on-demand valve that lets in atmospheric pressure levels of CO2 instead of air.

You’re right, my deepest apologies to the fine female brewers in our community.  I hope my unintentional lack of consideration hasn’t offended.
I picked mine up through Ebay UK for less than $100 delivered.
I have also ordered a cask breather to hook up to my CO2 to avoid oxidation and prolong the shelf life of the beer.

I’m still searching for set-up help though…

Help Homebrew Brothers & Sisters!


Wow.  That’s all good to know and for less than $100 delivered!  :o

Good work sir!

This would be perfect for our fellow brewers with cold basements.