Hi everyone!
Anybody has some good cues in removing old label from bottles?
Rather kegging, but christmas is coming and bubbling gifts are always much appreciated!
A soak in hot PBW will usually do the trick… if some sticks after the label peels off just scrub with the rough side of the sponge.
I have found pretty good success with this method as well.
Yes, I noticed the glues they use today are not as easy to remove as they used to be. But, now they don’t “float off” in the cooler with ice water…
Depends a lot on the brewery also. Bells, Victory, DFH, labels seem to fly off if you just fart in their general direction. Blue Mountain, Weyerbacher, need a small thermonuclear device to remove theirs.
You have a small nuclear device? That’s awesome!
I’ve found that most labels will come off after soaking in an alkaline cleaner and a quick scrub - automatic dishwasher detergent works for me. Two Brothers Brewery west of Chicago uses a mylar plastic type label. Those will come off if you heat up the bottle, but I need to use acetone or lacquer thinner toget the remaining adhesive off.
The labels on the Sierra Nevada bottles come off after an hour soak in the cooler filled with hot water. Slide right off usually.
Plus, I like the more squat 12 oz bottle over the normal tall-n-skinny 12 oz bottles. Just aesthetics.
Ammonia and water! A quick five minute soak has taken off every lable I’ve thrown at it - including the foil Avery Brewing uses on their bombers.
R.I.P. Billy Mayes. I miss you.
Ammonia and water! A quick five minute soak has taken off every lable I’ve thrown at it - including the foil Avery Brewing uses on their bombers.
Isn’t that dangerous to dunk your arm into a bucket of that stuff?
I usually use BBrite and hot water, soak over night. Some labels fall right off and float, some are harder to get off.
Thanks all! will try that and post again later!
I like to put the bottles in the dishwasher and some come off (have to pull them off the filter at the bottom) and others do not. But, it is also a good way to clean them. The ones that come off the best are the Belgium beers (Duvell, Kwak, etc…)
The labels on the Sierra Nevada bottles come off after an hour soak in the cooler filled with hot water. Slide right off usually.
Plus, I like the more squat 12 oz bottle over the normal tall-n-skinny 12 oz bottles. Just aesthetics.
Aaah, that’s where I went wrong, I used cold water. SNPA is my “drink it to get empty bottles” brand of choice… ;D
Ammonia and water! A quick five minute soak has taken off every lable I’ve thrown at it - including the foil Avery Brewing uses on their bombers.
This is the best method I know of, just keep it in a well ventilated area
R.I.P. Billy Mayes. I miss you.