Beer not dispensing from keg.

Just tapped my first keg a few weeks ago. I’ve probably poured around 15-20 pints from it without any trouble. A few days ago I noticed that the beer was dispensing rather slow and realized that the refrigerator was set too high and the beer had frozen. I turned the temp down and have confirmed that the beer is once again liquid but I still can’t get it to dispense. I rinsed out the hose and faucet and am still not having any luck. Any ideas on what the problem is?

Is it 100% thawed? Maybe there’s still ice in the dip tube. Either that or something is obstructing it. Pull it out and see…

Yup. tool time.

Everything has thawed but the pour is very very slow. I have cleaned all of the connections and still can’t seem to get it to flow like it did for those first few pours. The carbonation is right and the beer is delicious. It just takes about 5 minutes to pour a pint. Any thoughts on what to do now?

maybe you need to turn up the pressure a bit? what is your psi set at right now?

Did you pull the diptube? Maybe it was somehow crushed by the ice forming. A wild-assed guess.

Put the CO2 on the liquid out post and crank up the PSI.
When you hear bubbles, you are done.
Put hoses back in place - pour a pint.

I partially sucked up a muslin bag filled with hops once and then followed beerocd’s advice and it resolved the problem. That is IF there is an ice blockage…which it sounds like a good possibility.

SUCCESS!!! Thank you!