Beer Suprise

I was looking in my old cellar, and found a mystery stubbie (SNPA bottle). Popped it in the fridge before work and later that night…

Wow! This has to be one of the bottles of Braggot that I made. And this one is great! Every dang bottle of this has been different but they all have been better with age. This is excellent. Malty. Effervescent with excellent head formation and a nice lace down the glass. A bit of the honey funk. Somehow this one beer is displaying the qualities that I want in several of my styles- a particular mouthfeel and malt flavor. No. Hop. Bitterness.

Another look and I have two more in the fridge with a possible two 24oz’ers behind them. At 4 years this beer is at it’s prime. I’m drinking them.

Gota love it when chit like that happens. I have a few Strong Scotch Ales & RIS’ that I’m sitting on as well. Hopefully they turn out as good as your Braggot has…  Cheers!!!

I love it when that happens.  I have strained a few through a mesh bag, because of the amount of sediment in the bottom of them (thinking along the lines of an old wine) and really been surprised how good they can be after a while out of sight and mind.