Are there any specific (BJCP or otherwise) resources out there that I can use to assess what I am tasting as I sample various beers? I know some of the beer sites out there (Beer Advocate, Rate Beer) list these things, but I was looking for something closer to what a beer judge would say.
Tasting Beer by Randy Mosher is recommending by the BJCP as a good resource. From a strictly BJCP perspective, the style guidelines have commercial examples which will typify a style. Also, there is a regular feature in Zymurgy called “Commercial Calibration” where 4 higher ranked judges will score a commercial beer BJCP-style which if you can find it in your locale, you could use as a baseline for that sort of thing.
I am unsure what you are asking. It may be as simple as directing you to the BJCP guidelines (available as an app or Word/.pdf documents). But since you referenced the BJCP it makes me think you are asking about something else. A beer flavor wheel maybe? There is an app called Beer Judge that I use to help with wording ideas.
Find a local judge and reach out. Nothing beats tasting beer with someone who knows their stuff.
There are also off flavor kits you can buy to dose a control beer to create certain common off flavors to actually taste and learn the taste/aroma of an off flavor
Step one, go buy a Rolling Rock. That aroma is DMS. While you’re there buy a Corona and leave it on the dash on your way home. That’s light struck.
That’s funny, I was talking more about flavor profiles and styles
Does the “commercial calibration” section of Zymurgy give you what you’re talking about?
I think that’s what it’s called, at least. Where they score commercial beers.
+1, I was also reading about the new 2015 BJCP style guide that updated commercial representations of the style. Buy some of those beers listed and read the style guide as you sample the beer.
You might try listening to the Jamil show, once known as Brewing with Style. Go to and figure out how to download shows. Buy one or two commercial examples of the style in the show. Drink while listening. Repeat once a week and in a year you will know all the styles.
Both good advice. Wish I had thought of those. ;) lol One caveat to keep in mind about the new guidelines: the commercial examples in the new guidelines are simply representative of the spectrum of the style in alphabetical order. In the 2008 guidelines, the commercial examples were in order of how well they represented the style.