Beer Trade Etiquette

I was just wondering how beer trades usually work(money,sending it out, what’s a good number of bottles to send out etc.)

Is it legal to mail beer in the States?

What other advice can you give me when it comes to beer trading?

Any help would be great!

I don’t know of any trading going on via this forum, but on other sites the way I’ve seen it work is beer for beer only. You try and match roughly the value/rarity of the beers being traded.

Beer is not legal to mail via the USPS. Fed Ex and UPS have a seemingly changing set of rules and it mostly seems to vary based on who sees your package. (We see this on the shipping of homebrew side of the fence). As for the state viewpoint on shipping beer, I’m fairly certain most states would be annoyed, but I don’t know what they would grab you for.

I’ve traded beer and hops never been burned and tasted some awesome brew. Quid pro quo. Traded glasses for beer once also. If you do, invest in those brown PET beer bottles. That way they travel safely and no problems with breakage or the authorities. RDWHAHB.

If trading involves shipping, the litmus test is to hold the packed box over your head and to throw it onto the ground. If nothing shatters you have packaged it correctly.

If you are doing a series of trades it is always best to give a little somthing extra…coasters, openers, glass, another beer, etc…over and above what was promised. Karma will take care of you if you do. If it is a one and done, just send what was promised and maybe a cookie  :wink:

I used to send a beer-of-the-month box full of either homebrew or local commercial brews in exchange for friends’ and relatives’ local beers, but they were all so lethargic about returning it I eventually stopped. 
Shipping from a commercial location by UPS or FedEx is fine, but they may not like it if you declare alcohol when dropping it off at the shipper’s (UPS, FedEx) office.  In other words, do all the shipping paperwork on-line and then simply drop it off at any commercial pick-up spot, like an office supply store.
It is illegal to use the postal service to mail alcohol, but not illegal to mail malt extract or yeast samples.

Never trade with me unless I send something to you first.  If you don’t get anything right away it takes me half of forever to return anything. :slight_smile:

Now you tell me! :wink:

My take on this is if someone gives you something you try to give back… unfortunately its harder when its the ‘online’ community trading… especially living in another state… A guy up in WA just sent me 6oz of his homegrown hops… I have every intention of sending him a 6pack once I get it brewed… pay em back! pay it forward!

I’ll trade you 6ozs. of hops for a sixer. What are you looking for? :smiley:

I have sent out a few pounds in my time, but don’t really expect to get anything back.

It is nice to hear if folks like them however.

;D  The longer it takes the better the package will be. :wink: