BeerSmith Loss Adjustments

I’ve been noticing that I’m routinley ending up with a higher pre-boil volume than Beer Smith predicts. Does anyone know how/if I can adjust that?

You need to measure your losses and edit the equipment profile that you use. For instance, I have .41 gallons of dead space in my MT. I think Beersmith is defaulted to .25 gallons?

I measured the loss but my deadspace is already to 0 so can’t figure out how to adjust

You are probably experiencing less boil off then beersmith predicts? You should be able to put in you post boil volume and adjust your boil off amount to reach you preboil volume. This will give you your evaporation rate which will be helpful for future batches. Maybe I am on the wrong track…

It seems to be that I’m experiencing less loss of water during the mash & spare than expected - Beginning with the software stated water for mashing & sparging I end up with higher of a boil volume than predicted (½ Gallon excess in a 4gal batch last time). I just can’t for the life of me figure out how to adjust it.

I’m using kind of a weird system. Like a batch sparge/BIAB hybrid - basically I use a cooler as a mash tun but line it with a bag. After the mash I transfer the grain bag into the kettle to batch sparge. I then combine them in the kettle, let the bag drain out, and add the drippings to the kettle as well. As a result I’m not loosing a lot of my initial water.

From the main recipes screen, click the options( gear cog icon) button, once there click the advanced option over on the left side. This lets you change defaults for a number of calcs beersmith uses to get it’s numbers.  Grain absorption is one of them.  good luck

Maybe those drippings are where you extra volume is coming from. I batch sparge in a cooler and basically cut it off a few minutes after it starts to sputter.

From the main recipes screen, click the options( gear cog icon) button, once there click the advanced option over on the left side. This lets you change defaults for a number of calcs beersmith uses to get it’s numbers.  Grain absorption is one of them.  good luck


That did the trick, thanks everyone