I imagine that’s true. I’m just a homebrewer reading about styles I drank while in Europe. I fall into the “the simplicity of single infusion far outweighs any possible benefit from step mashing, even if it makes a difference. To each their own” camp.
If interested ck out: It’s all in the Details by D. Jamil Zainasheff in Brewing Classic Styles. He specifies a 149*F single infusion.
…and in Brew Like a Monk, in the recipe Vinnie Cilurzo’s Strong Golden Ale, Mash: 151-152° F is specified.
Then of course there’s information like this: Step Mash vs. Single Infusion | exBEERiment Results!
…resulting in quotes like this:
Having done this many times, I agree with the people who say the differences can be attributed to longer rest times and a mashout. But I also have found so little, if any difference, that I also stick with single infusion.