Belgian Golden Strong

So would this work?  Not as a clone of Tremens but as my own spin on a BGSA

OG 1.084
IBU 31.6
SRM 4.6
5L starter of 3522
Chimay or Orval boiled profile?
1.1 SO4/Cl
85.7% Belgian Pils 2L
17.2% Clear Syrup
(would 8oz of Aromatic be out of place?)
1oz Goldings @ 60
1oz Kazbek @ 20
1oz Kazbek @ 10

I’d say use table sugar, a small percentage of caramunich II to get the color around 5 and go with 5.2 pH.

Target 30 ish BU. Go with a simple water profile. Enough CaCl to hit 40 ppm.

Personally, I’d shoot for 40-45 IBU, but there’s nothing wrong with what you’re planning. I think a touch of Aromatic would be great. 8 oz would be the upper limit, I think. 4-6 ounces would be plenty to boost the color and malt flavor a bit before it starts to bring too much of that wheat toast/crust character.

I agree with the bump in IBU and with the aromatic at the lesser amount. I still think they add a small amount of coriander to DT (could be wrong). 1/4 - 1/2 oz crushed and added @ 10 mins left in boil could add the right subtle accent.

I’m planning a Belgian run soon. A table beer ok up through a BDSA. A Tripel is definitely in the works and will be similar to what is proposed here.

Dropping to 5oz aromatic, bumping bittering addition to 20.4 IBUs keeping the kazbek as is for 35.6IBUs. I think the coriander would work at 10 min boil

Your tripel should include some oats and wheat.

It will be Pils/Pale blend (~4.5 EBC), a touch of CaraMunich II (~1%) and table sugar.

Oats and wheat may be a good idea when using a single infusion but with a 2-Step Kunze mash, the foam will be phenomenal.

Look at Duvel…nothing but pils malt and sugar and better foam tham nost will ever get.  You do not need oats or wheat (or carapils, etc.) for great foam.

One thing you notice with Duvel and all of the monastic breweries is the ubiquity of the multi-step “DeClerck” mash. They have foam for days.

Good foam is a process thing.

I’m all for just pils and sugar in my tripels, too, Denny. I may try blending pils with pale malt for one, though.

Fortunately you can get pretty much the same result with much less effort.

The age old debate.

Fortunately 2 steps is all you need: β to α, α to MO.

Maybe I’m pouring them wrong, but in my experience not all the Trappist beers have tons of foam.

Trying to clone Tripel Karmeliet?  Fantastic beer…

I do 90 min. at 148, then add 190ish sparge water for a pseudo mashout.  Works for me.

Have you ever direct fire step mashed? The sweep through the ranges at 1 °C/min has a lot to do with the benefits of the step mash.

Not trying to change your mind but that was an “ah ha” when I first realized it.

This is my mash schedule as well.  Recipe is just continental pilsner malt and table sugar.

Yeah, that is a great Tripel. Awesome stuff.

Don’t recall if I’ve done it direct fired.  Also don’t have a way to do that, so the likelihood of it happening is low.

Understood. Just mentioned it because there is a big difference in the time it takes to reach step temps with infusions and gradually sweeping across a range of temperatures on the way to a step.