belgian single

Can anyone direct me to a good recipe?

I was thinking:
82% pilsner
9% sugar
4.5% wheat
4.5% biscuit

Here is a recipe I was wanting to try haven’t gotten around to brewing it yet.

Rose-Cheeked and Blonde from Brooklyn brew shop recipe book.
-9lbs Belgian Pilsner
-2lbs Cara-Pils
-.5lbs Aromatic Malt
-1oz Styrian Golding for 60min
-.25oz Styrian Golding for 5min
-5teaspoons dries rosehips for 40min
-.75lbs clear Belgian Candi sugar at flameout
(optional)-5 Tablespoons of dried rosebuds or fresh pedals from one rose at flameout
Yeast: Wyeast Belgian Strong

Hope this recipe is in the right direction of what you are looking for! Cheers!

Thanks. To me, 2 lbs of carapils seems way out of place here. After a bit of research yesterday, this beer should be dry and relatively bitter; more so than a blond. I am using the new guidelines as a reference as I don’t think this was in the prior version…

That looks solid to me. I’ve brewed something pretty similar - I say go with it.  Maybe 1.058-1.060ish.

That’s kind of what I am thinking…maybe around 1.054 and get it to finish low. Gonna keep the hop schedule simple but push up the IBUs to around 40. Any recommendations on yeast? I am thinking something more mild and fermented cool but unsure if that would be right. Still finding my way with the Belgian styles…

My favorite yeasts for lighter Belgians are (mostly in order) Ardennes, Unibroue, WY3787, and WY1388.

It’s been awhile since I’ve used either 3787 or 1388, though.

I’ve done it with 1214 and 3787 and liked both. Don’t go too warm with either, especially 1214. 64F for 48 hrs then ramp slowly to upper 70s - 80. Like Joe said, I like Ardennes and the others as well.

Thanks guys.

I was thinking T58 as well but only because I am familiar with it and it is a good attenuator. It can be pretty mild which I like. It probably is not the best choice here so I should go with one of your recommendations. I am thinking 1214 or 3522.

3522 works well in a single.  I like to keep it simple: Belgian pils base, some sugar (or candi syrup), and one or two varieties of hops (like Saaz, Styrian Goldings or EKG).

Thanks for the feedback.

I was planning on a belgian pale but this styles seems to be more dry and bitter which I like. I am thinking of a standard 60 minute addition and a larger (2 oz?) 5 minute of something similar to what your recommend.

After looking at my brewing schedule I think this bad boy is going to morph into a saison since I have some Belle Saison that I have yet to try.

Think I will keep the grains similar but replace the sugar with Vienna or Munich since it sounds like sugar is not needed for this yeast to attenuate. I think I will also throw some American hops in late in the boil or possibly do a hopstand to change it up a bit.

82% pilsner
9% munich
4.5% wheat
4.5% biscuit, aromatic, specialty, etc.

magnum - bittering
palisade, cascade - late hops

37 IBU