I’m planning a beer induced delirium trip to Belgium for my wife and I. I don’t have a lot of time to do the planning myself and was looking at going with one of the tour companies like Beertrips, Beertours, etc. There are several companies that do these types of tours. My goal is to get as many brewery tours as possible. Hard to do on your own, especially without a designated driver. Any opinions as to the quality of the tours based on actual brewery tours as well as other aspects? Any help, guidance, suggestions are appreciated, especially info on specific tours from an operator. I didn’t find much on this topic when I searched the forums. Kind of surprised it’s all people planning their own trips.
If you’re looking for a tour guide in Belgium, contact Regnier (http://www.regniersbeertours.com/contact). I just got back from a 9 day tour of Belgium that he led and it was fantastic. Great planning, lots of interesting locations (not just the big places), and tons of insider knowledge.
I don’t see any currently planned group tours, but I think he’s also available as a private guide.
I’d looked at his site and never saw any tours listed for Belgium, just the GABF. Maybe I’ll contact him.
I’ve taken four trips with BeerTrips.com, two to Belgium, and will be visiting Spain with him next year. On the Great Beers of Belgium trip we visited Cantillon, 3 Fonteinin, Rochefort (they only allow 4 tours per year, so it’s a coup), Orval, De Halve Mann, Rodenbach, Liefmanns, De Cam, Slaghmuylder(Witkap), and De Konick. The itinerary varies a little by year depending on brewery schedules. I know this year (going on right now) they’re visiting Du Pont and Chimay. Our second trip was somewhat custom, as it was all repeat travelers. In addition to the above, we saw Rulles, Kerkom, Vapeur, and the Westvleteren cafe.
Beyond the breweries, we visited many iconic bars and restaurants. The walking tours of each of the cities were fantastic.
Having taken four trips and planning a fifth should give you a good idea of what I think of Mike’s tours.
The tour I was on was arranged by Global Beer Network, but they don’t have another one until next September. Not sure if he has anything else coming up next year.
I think we hit 15 breweries in 9 days, and twice as many bars/restaurants.
I really appreciate the suggestions. I think the trip is going to postponed from spring to fall next year. It’ll give me more time and open up more options. One of these tour providers will definitely be the choice.
+1. I went on the Great Beers of Belgium tour last October, and it was fantastic. Mike hires a full sized bus (with a bathroom!) that takes you all over Belgium.