Biab brew going from pale to brown

Hi there this is me again, hope you guys dont mind i use all grain forum instead of partial mash
Thing is , i was really happy brewing my ipa biab no sparge, it was pale till i start transfering the brew from my kettle to another kettle to chill.
Now i have a brownish beer , any idea of what could Ive gone wrong?

I’m not sure anything has gone wrong. Wort can look different in different vessels and it looks different recently disturbed than it does after settling. My guess is it looks a bit darker now than it will when its done anyway. As I recall this is an English IPA with quite a bit of 60l crystal which will probably be more copper colored than yellowish pale.

Why transfer to chill?

as Pete says, it’s hard to tell what color a beer will be in the glass till it’s in the glass. or at least in a sample size similar to a glass. Beer looks darker in mass and different depending on how much yeast or other opaque crud is in suspension.

Some darkening could occur by oxidation during the transfer of hot wort, but I agree with the earlier posters that what you are seeing is due to the change in vessels.

Thank you as usual, will follow up on this one

Hey just wanted to let you know it came out clear and the color is as expected id say

glad to hear it. It’s amazing to me how much barley, hops, water, and yeast want to become beer

Amazing right? Like the fantastic 4 , just saying , anyway thank you wish I could ship you some samples, cause it taste good.