Biere de… whatever

Been kicking around an idea for a flavorful sipper for a while now. Thought I would try keeping the recipe really simple to let what is there sine through but looking for some input or thoughts. Maybe throw in 4-6oz. Aromatic or Melanoidin or honey malt? Go ahead and pimp this recipe.

6 gallons post boil
OG ~1.075-80
SRM 4.5
IBU 28

100% Weyermann Floor Malted Pils

Mash @148F/35min and 158F/35min

Gr. Magnum @60
15g Strisselspalt @15
15g Strisselspalt @5

WY3725 @68-70F rising after 24hrs.

Target mash pH of 5.4 with lactic acid and modest and roughly equal amounts of SO4 and Cl to get Ca up to 50ppm.

Looks very good.  Consider throwing in just a very small amount of Special B, like 4 oz, for something even more special!  I really like your idea of honey malt though as well.  Perhaps a little Munich?  Maybe just 5-7%, for a little complexity and color.  Play around with it, it’s all good!

+1 on Munich for complexity. I like using a mix of Pilsner, Pale and Munich for Belgian styles.